Imagine having a team of AI Support assistants and personal coaches available to you 24/7.

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Hi My name is Kaiyen!

Hi My name is Kaiyen!


company ethos

We use technology every day, and at kaiyen, we believe that we live in relationship with the devices we use everyday. The problem is many of the devices that we use today, have the potential to decrease our quality of life. So to solve this at kaiyen, we are creating portable companions, whose sole focus is to improve your quality of life. Imagine this: You are having trouble with focusing at work and you feel quite down when your at home: With kaiyen you can speak to your personal support team, comprised of nutritionists, Concentration coaches, and companions dedicated to ethical reasoning. With access to expert advice and problem solving in your pocket, we can overcome obstacles in the path of becoming our best self with skill. Learn more today.


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